Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Mobile Brand

Targeting the mobile-friendly rural consumer
Hindustan Times
At the same time, their aspirations for consuming branded and more
sophisticated products make them very attractive for brands. The two
paradigm shifts that have affected rural consumer behaviour are rooted in
urbanisation and the advent of the mobile ...
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Russell Brand wants to divorce Katy Perry over her partying and because
he ...
Katy turned off her mobile so he couldn't get hold of her. He was going
mental. "Once he was back in Britain he started making the preparations
for the divorce. "Katy was surprised that Russell didn't come running
back but she had met her match. ...
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The anatomy of a successful digital campaign
Business Standard
As wi-fi spots proliferate, mobile devices will increasingly become the
platform through which people socialise, communicate and share their brand
preferences, thoughts and complaints. Brand that knows what their consumers
like and want, ...
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Networking ties
Business Standard
As long as we continue to connect talent with opportunity, our members,
recruiters and brands will derive value from the platform. Mobile and
online content is always evolving. Our mission is to make professionals
productive and successful and to do ...
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