Someone better call Queen Latifah,because DC Universe players are bringing down the house. Literally!The US & EU servers are in a state of limbo, going up and downas players flood in to see Superman break Bane’s back, or viceversa. In response, Deadmeat has posted an announcement on the DCUniverse forums:
'As folks have seen we have hadsome major issues today keeping our US Servers up and running. Weare working very hard to correct the problem and we will be keepingthe servers down until we can deploy new software to help us fix theissues. The response to our new Free to Play model has beenoverwhelming (literally) and we are very excited about all the newplayers in the game. We are working hard to make sure DC UniverseOnline is the best experience possible.'
Hopefully Sony can get this fixed ina manner that does not involve the ritualistic sacrifice of whoeversuggested merging servers right before a free to play transition. Orthe sacrifice of a blogger who questions the viability of saidsacrifice.
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