Aston 2.0.3-software yang mirip sekali dengan windows blind, diman berfungsi sebagai perubahan tampilan dari dekstop PC atau Laptop yang agan punya. Aston 2.0.3 + Crack + Keygen ini, tampilan dekstop anda akan lebih bervariasi dan menarik. agan bosen dengan tampilan yang itu-itu aja coba aja software ini. Screenshot:
Aston features:
Explore Aston's most-loved features
Flexibility. Create your own desktop and make it look and behave the way you like. That's the main idea about Aston. Bind hotkeys, tweak desktop components, install plug-ins and never lose control over your desktop. No wizardry here, everything is simple. Even if you're not an experienced designer or programmer, you can create your own desktop the way you want it to behave, not like someone else does. You can easily rearrange widgets on your Desktop, Menu and Panels and drag them anywhere you like. You can also lock widgets and panels to prevent drag'n'dropping them by mistake.
Beauty. Aston looks great just out-of-the-box and if you want more, you can get free themes from our themes section or one of numerous related sites. You can change your Desktop's look and behavior with just a few mouse clicks. Customize Aston with lots of beautiful themes and skins which you can download from our Themes and Menu skins section.
Reliability. Tested extensively on numerous computers Aston is known to be the most stable program of this kind. It's much more stable than competing programs and even the native Windows desktop.
Power. Whether you have Windows XP, 7 or Windows Vista, Aston runs smoothly on any system, providing you with additional toolbars, launch panels and other useful components, allowing you to get more control over your system.
Usability. We have taken into consideration our working experience with Aston 1.x and tried to meet all your expectations. Upon installing Aston a user may be thrilled that his wishes have been already implemented in the program and he doesn't have to make any drastic changes in preferences.
Simplicity. Aston desktop is streamlined, clean and simple. It includes features that are designed for efficiency and ease of use. For example, you can search and navigate from the same search box, and arrange panels and widgets however you wish - quickly and easily.
Security. Aston is designed to keep your computer safer and more secure. With our special Aston Secure Desktop version only you will be able to constrain user's ability to change any settings and access certain applications, restrict time a user can spend in front of PC and more - fast and simple. You can Learn more about Aston's security features.
Cara Aktivasi Aston 2.0.3
How to Activate Aston2
Cara Aktivasi Aston 2.0.3 :
Install Aston 2.0.3 - Pada Bagian Instalasi, Jangan dijalankan programnya (Hilangkan Ceklistnya)
Lalu Copy 'a2desktop.dll', 'A2Menu.dll', dan 'A2Panels.dll' ke Folder Dll Instalasi Aston anda. Default Folder : C:\Program Files\Aston2\Dll
Setelah Crack tercopy, jalankan Aston2 - Pilih Aston - OK Lalu OK Lagi - Maka Windows anda Akan Logoff - Silahkan Login Lagi
Selanjutnya akan muncul untuk memasukkan Lisensi - Pilih 'Enter License Key'
Jalankan Keygen-nya - Klik Gen - Copy License Key dari Keygen ke Aston - Lalu Next
Pilih 'Enter Activation Code' - Next
Tulis User ID (Bebas) di Keygen - Klik Generate - Copy Activation Code dari Keygen ke Aston - Lalu Next
Maka aktivasi akan FAILED - Copy User ID yang ada di Aston ke Keygen - Lalu klik Back
Pada Keygen Klik Generate Lagi - Lalu Copy Activation Code yang baru ke Aston lagi - Next
PERHATIAN! Untuk cara downloadnya Anda akan diarahkan ke kemudian tunggu 5 detik dan cari tombol SKIP AD yang berada di sebelah kanan atas monitor anda.
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