To keep visitors reading your blog for long time is very difficult task if your blog design doesn't have proper features to attract visitors. Today we are going to talk about how to make your blog attractive and keep visitors sticky to blog for long time.
1. Background : The very first feature your blog design must have is a proper and SEO friendly background your blog's background must be matching to your blog. It should not be very dark color which makes unable for reader to read your blog and if your reader is using slow internet connection then it will take very long time to view your blog & your blog will be visible only after it is full loaded. Most of the dark color are not SEO friendly which may be tha biggest disadvantage for your blog. So always try to choose background color which is SEO friendly. (light colors are preferable)
2. Font : Its very important to choose correct type & color of font. If you font is too small to read or too big than naturally your blog will not look presentable. The font which you choose must be be easily readable, match to background color & size must be 14-18 for post content & high for header etc all templates have pre sized font which are easily readable if it is not then you can resize it. Most widely and common used fonts are Arial, Verdana.
3. Logo : Picture speaks thousands words. You must have seen all the top bloggers having exclusive logo. Why they are doing this ? To make their blog as brand and it is easy to remember a picture (logo) than text (url). If your logo is attractive than user will remember your blog URL very easily. Logo makes your blog look like a professional blog and give a professional touch to your blog so always have a nice, attractive and simple logo.
4. Post Picture : As I mentioned in above point that picture speaks thousand words. Picture must itself speak about the whole post. So while choosing picture try to choose the best one or create of your own imaginary idea. If you dont get appropriate picture or you are unable to create a picture then dont add any picture publish your post without picture that must be more better.
5. Monetization : Monetizing you blog is necessary for you to earn money but monetizing too much will loose your readers and visitors. I have visited some blogs which are having too much ads. Excesses monetized blog will take very long time to load and will disturb your reader while reading. Ads must be placed in the way so that reader dont get disturb while reading. So its better to keep just 2-4 ads on a page.
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