Ok, this is a rather geeky post, so the fain hearted should STOP........
Ok, here we go.
Some 25 years ago (Infact, just a few days over 25 years ago), Bill Gates Created Microsoft, who in turn created Windows 1.0.1
Since then, Microsoft have gone on to dominate the computer operating system market. Over 91% of PC users are estimated to be Windows users. I myself own a Windows PC (Although its only ever used for Gaming, everything else is done in OS X).
Now, don't quote me on this, but I believe that before Windows was even thought about, another operating system existed called UNIX.
Now, I wont bore you with the history of the 2 (UNIX Wiki - Windows Wiki), but basically Windows went on to win the battle & the war.
But UNIX still lives on to this day, powering Linux, OSX, Android & Palm Webos (if im wrong, please correct me), and accounts for around 9% of the PC market share
Ok, thats the history done (I would have made a great teacher!!), now on with my rant.
Today, Attachmate announced they were acquiring Novel, owners of the rather popular Linux distro, SUSE Linux. Novel also own UNIX......
Now, to help raise the cash to buy Novel (for $2.2Billion), they are selling some IP's to Microsoft. Now Attachmate have not anounced what IP's will sold to MS, there is a fear that they may sell the rights to UNIX to MS. This would be bad....... Real bad.
Remember the history lesson I gave you? UNIX is the backbone of Linux, MAC OSX, Android & the iPhone.....
This could lead to MS strangling UNIX to death, or pricing UNIX out of the market & kill off the competition. For a few measly quid ($450Million), MS could dominate the desktop OS & the mobile OS market once again.....
This could be bad.
I may be on the wrong track completely here, and if I am, please correct me & educate me, but if I am right, it's going to be a MS world...
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